Dr. Fowke is a professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the University of Manitoba.
Dr. Fowke completed his undergraduate studies in the University of Manitoba, majoring in Microbiology. Additionally, he pursued a doctorate in Philosophy and then received his Postdoctoral Fellowship with the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, U.S.A.
His research in the Laboratory of Viral Immunology focuses on three broad topics: (1) determining the immunological phenotype and genetic expression of CD4+ T-cells in individuals who are resistant to HIV infection or those who are infected but able to control their viral replication. (2) The role of immune activation and receptor polymorphisms in HIV disease progression. (3) Defining the role of pre-existing humoral and cellular immunity to influenza and disease outcomes as well as immune responses to vaccine and exposure.
Dr. Fowke was a co-author for CTN 237: Influenza vaccination strategies using Fluviral in HIV-positive adults, which seeks to evaluate the immune response of three different seasonal influenza (Fluviral®) vaccine dosing strategies in HIV infected adults.