Dr. Brennan is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at UofT. He is also currently Ontario HIV Treatment Network Applied HIV Research Chair in gay and bisexual men’s health. His research focuses on the health and well-being of marginalized gay, bisexual, two-spirit, and other men who have sex with men.
Dr. Brennan completed his PhD in Social Work from Boston College and moved to the University of Toronto in 2007. Supported by a CIHR Catalyst grant, he conducted research that looks at resilience strategies in Two-spirited males living with HIV titled the Two-spirited HIV/AIDS Wellness and Longevity Study (2-SHAWLS).
As a CTN investogator, Dr. Brennan presented his research Imagine Men’s Health Study: Body Image, Racism, and Well-being among Gay and Bisexual Men of Colour in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 20th International AIDS Conference.