About The Study

This qualitative pilot study will conduct virtual interviews to evaluate human papillomavirus (HPV) awareness, vaccination, and HPV-associated pre-cancer and cancer screening. The study will include two distinct cohorts. The first cohort will be Transgender (‘Trans’) men and gender non-binary (‘GNB’) individuals assigned female at birth. The second cohort will be health care professionals who work in clinical settings where HPV prevention and screening is offered. The primary goal of this study is to analyze HPV vaccination and pre-cancer and cancer awareness and screening programs, and the educational needs of health care providers to implement these programs. Ultimately, this study aims to help reduce the risk of HPV-associated cancers in Trans men and GNB individuals.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection and is known to cause various cancers in both female and male reproductive organs. Little is known about HPV awareness, vaccination, and pre-cancer and cancer screening in gender and sexual minority populations, including Trans men and GNB individuals assigned female at birth.
Research shows that HPV-related cervical pre-cancers and cancers in Trans men and GNB individuals are comparable to those of cisgender women; however, they are less likely to receive recommendations for cancer screening. Additionally, Trans men and GNB individuals have a higher chance of receiving abnormal cervical cancer screening results than cisgender women, and are also less likely to have received any HPV-related screening.

Study Approach

A total of 52 participants, separated into two cohorts, will be interviewed virtually, one-on-one. The first cohort will be made up of 40 Trans and GNB participants living with and without HIV. The second cohort will be made up of 12 health care providers who work in clinical settings where HPV prevention and screening is offered. Participants for both cohorts will be recruited from Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, or Vancouver. These two cohorts will be interviewed and recorded. Once transcribed, the interviews will be analyzed and coded using the participant interview data. In the first cohort, the interviews will focus on participant knowledge and awareness related to HPV and overall sexual health literacy, and the impact of existing health promotion messaging. In the health care provider cohort, the interviews will focus on Trans and GNB-specific knowledge and awareness of HPV risks, impacts, and prevention and screening programs.

Eligibility Requirements


First cohort

  1. Trans men and GNB individuals assigned female at birth >18 years of age.
    2. HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals

Second cohort

  1. Doctors, nurses, or other health professionals > 18 years of age work in primary care and / or clinical sexual health settings where HPV prevention and screening is offered

Not Allowed

First cohort

  1. Individuals identifying as cis-gender males and female
  2. Trans women and GNB individuals assigned male at birth

Second cohort

  1. Individuals with no current or past work in primary care or a clinical sexual healthcare setting will be excluded

Additional Information

If you would like to take part in this study or want more information, please contact the principal investigator.

Principal Investigator

Joshua Edward, MSc PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
BC Centre for Disease Control
655 West 12th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R4
T: 782-414-0682