Dr. Alexandra King is a member of Nipissing First Nation (Ontario). She is the Cameco Chair in Indigenous Health and Wellness at the University of Saskatchewan (USask), co-lead of Pewaseskwan (the Indigenous Wellness Research Group) and an Internist with the Saskatchewan Health Authority. She supports Indigenous communities in improving health and wellness outcomes, bringing leadership in culturally safe and responsive research and care. She is a Principal Investigator on various CIHR research grants related to Indigenous people and HIV, HCV and co-infections, as well as other health conditions and land- and culture-based research. Alexandra serves on many initiatives including the Canadian Association for HIV Research and the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C. She also brings leadership to national and international events; she co-chaired the 2019 Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research and chaired the 2022 World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Viral Hepatitis. Her other research interests include Indigenous wellness and Indigenous research  ethics.